Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Maine - The beginning of our journey

The Long Way Home – Day One
Start the Riding! …. Breakdown!  Today started out great: The pouring rain from the yesterday had completely cleared and we had clear sunny skies.  Great day for riding and we were excited to get going but it was not to be.  We hopped on our bikes, started 'em up and I rode out to the stop sign ready to make the left turn... where's Hank?  I looked back and he's still sitting on his bike at the hotel.  I ride back and discover that Hank’s bike wouldn’t start!  After looking at the obvious possibilities, we had to dig deeper. 

This looks just like the picture from yesterday only unfortunately, it's today!
We finally found a connector under the tank that had slipped out – not related to our modifications but must have gotten bumped.  With that fixed we were on the road – maybe two hours later.
The rest of the day was fantastic.  We took the highway up to Quoddy Head Lighthouse to make up time (not officially part of Long Way Home so it was not breaking the rules). 

I have to say that I got chills as we cleared the last hill to see the Atlantic Ocean.  I was raised on Long Island but the coast of Maine represents everything Atlantic Ocean to me.  What a fantastic place (in the summer!)  Wow, this is as far away from home that we can get.  The land mass over my left shoulder below is Canada!  We spent some time on the beach, took some pictures and got ready for The Long Way Home.

The trip down the coast was absolutely beautiful.  Mostly paved back roads but a large portion on the Down East Sunrise Trail.  This is a repurposed railroad track so you can imagine that is was not at all challenging, but it did pass through some great ocean front and bays.

We stopped at this beautiful inland bay and laid down for a minute.  It was so quiet and peaceful.  Pretty soon, we were waking up from an hour nap.  Hank was loving it - saying it was the best nap of his life.  Tip: Helmets make a great pillow!

Arriving at our hotel in Machias, we were greeted by two Bald Eagles flying over the river and diving after some Ospreys to chase them out.  We were in awe and I didn’t think to take out my camera until they were clearing out.

‘looking forward to day two

1 comment:

  1. Way to Go Bill & Hank. I'm sure the rest of the ride will go smoothly and no more wrenching on bikes. Just some fun adventures along the way.
