Sunday, June 28, 2015

TLWH -Day 5- Rain
Today we woke to the sound of rain!  I have to admit that we were dragging our feet a bit getting ready hoping it would let up - it didn't.  We donned all of our new plastic rain gear and all of our clothes underneath.  We got to the bikes looking like the sta-puff marshmallow guy.  Headed out from Waterbury with Greenfield, MA as our destination.  We had 190 miles to go today.
We both have to admit that once we got going, it was not that bad.  Sure our hands were wet, our faces were getting pelted with rain, and we both had leaks here and there, but there were dry places on us also!  But most of all, the riding was completely fun!  We found 90% dirt roads and trails today.  Who knew there could be that many miles of dirt in Vermont.  They love the dirt road here and these dirt roads are the best maintained I've ever seen.  In some areas the mud was extremly slipery and we had fun fishtailing our way down the road.

 Hank thought TLWH stood for The Long Wheelie Home!

Lunch time brought us down into Bethel where we found this great cafe in an old area of town.  Most of the towns around here show a lot of history.  

There were sections that were very challenging.  The pictures do not do this justice but this a steep up hill and with the leaves and water running down the middle, we both had to make multiple attempts to make it up.

Not only did Vermont invent Ben & Jerry's Icecream but they also figured out a way to breed a skunk with a cow.
While the Maine back woods was all about logging,  Vermont is all about farms.  They come in all shapes and sizes

If Frotto walked out of this one and waved we wouldn't even have been surprised:
Vermont has a lot of these covered bridges.  It was nice to be out of the rain for a few seconds!
By the end of the day we had covered 190 miles in the rain but we had a blast doing it.  We have to admit though, that being damp and cold all day take's it's toll and we are both exhausted.

Tomorrow we continue down through Massachusetts, cut the corner off Connecticut and end up in New Paltz, NY.

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