Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Long Way Home - Day 16 - Summer day in Tennesee
Thursday, July 9th
We continue our westward journey today in Tennessee.

All you people from the pacific north-west, please start the Raaaaiiiii... neeeerrr.... beeeeeer soundtrack in your head as you hit play.

I have to admit that I'm fascinated by those hay-rollups.  I really want to see a cow eat one.

The day was filled with a string of easy back roads, dirt roads. small towns, forests, and farms.  
We had some unexpectedly deep water crossings
Hank photo-bombed me as I was trying to get a reflecting pool photo of the lake.  I think it surprised him how fast it got deep.  His gear bags are almost completely under water.  I have to admit, was disappointed to see him make it out OK

The beautiful farms and forests continued in central Tennessee:

We came upon this stream that was clearly a hot-day-in-July hangout.  The kids we excited to line up on the sides of the road as we rode through and splashed them.  Summer fun!
The roads were easy today, but we were able to find this power line access road to liven it up a bit

The cemeteries in Tenessee get a lot of respect.  This is just a standard example of what we saw all over Tennessee.  The grass is always cut, flags are up, flowers and decorations are out.
We arrived at our destination around 5pm.  Pickwick Landing is a huge lake, complete with marinas, docks, sailboats.  This is a photo from the top of the dam.  That's an impeller from one of the generators on display (I know that only some of us find that interesting!).  That's the lake in the background.

Tomorrow we leave Tennessee and travel south into Mississippi.

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