Friday, July 31, 2015

The Long Way Home - Day 32 - Good Gates, Bad Gates

Friday, July 31st

Today's plan takes us from Seligman on Route-66, to Wikieup, Arizona.
Leaving Seligman, we got a chance to snap photos of some of the cool shops and buildings on Route-66, like this diner:
Soon after leaving Seligman, we came across this guy.  He's just a young one at about 2' or a bit more.  We didn't try to pick this rattlesnake up.  Crikey!

From here, we headed up into some higher ground for some fun forest trails.

I locked up both brakes when I caught a glimpse of this in my peripheral vision: The perfect tree that we have all modeled our elementary school drawings after.  It really does exist!

The gate story continues from yesterday and we found that there are good gates and bad gates (just like Wizard of Oz's witches).  This is a bad gate, it's all about big chains, locks, and NO, NO, NO.  We came up to this gate from the inside and had to disassemble and then reassemble part of the fence to get out.

This is a good gate.  It was unlocked and it used words like Welcome, Please, and Thank You.  YOLO (You Only Live Once) Ranch rocks!  
After working our way through the maze of good gates and bad gates, we dropped down out of the highlands into Bagdad and had some lunch at a diner. -yes, there is a Bagdad, Arizona.
We even got to park next to an FJ40 Landcruiser

After lunch we were at a lower elevation and it was starting to get really hot.  When I say really hot, I mean maybe the hottest weather I've ever been in.  I was so thankful that our bikes ran perfectly because if we had to stop, I'd seriously worry about our safety.  It was so hot we had to limit our speed to avoid the hot air from penetrating our helmets and jackets but we had to keep moving to have some airflow.  I found that if I opened my mouth,  it would dry out in seconds, and the first water out of my Camel Back hose was almost too hot to drink.  When we heard it was 110 today, it explained a lot.  Crazy hot.
I had to stop briefly to take a photo with this Saguaro cactus.  There were hundreds of these around here.

Just before our destination, we came across this little town of Nothing.  I think they should really work on their self-esteem.  You can have All (mart) or Nothing - looks like they chose nothing.
When we arrived at our hotel in Wikieup, we threw our reins over the hitching post, hung up our spurs, and went to dinner at the Trading Post Diner.

Tomorrow's plan takes us to Blythe, California!

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