Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Long Way Home - Day 35 - Storming the Beach!

The Long Way Home - Day 35 - Storming the Beach!

Monday, August 3rd.

We left Julian today, eager to reach the beach.  Our final day was a 99 mile day.

But we couldn't leave Julian without some apple pancakes!

We found some nice country roads as we dropped down out of Julian

Our first glimpse of the Pacific and we could feel the cool ocean air.

Dirt roads leading us into San Ysidro

Crossing over the bridge in front of the border crossing.  The Mexican flag on the left is in Mexico.

We are so lucky to have such a great family to come home to!  Here we are with our greeting committee.  gpsKevin also came down to welcome us home (Thanks Kevin for all the support in planning this adventure!)

I'm not sure how I got my facts messed up but it turned out the border park was closed today!  Kevin had scoped it out for us and we came up with a plan.  The main gate to the park was closed, but we waited for the ranger to be distracted with some cars and we raced down a service road next to the park entrance and past the "do not enter" signs.  This was a road left open for the border patrol.  These trails split up and snaked around the hills next to the border, but we eventually made it through the maze.  This is a short video of Hank and I storming the beach!

So we finally made it.  Here are some of the stats:
  1. 35 days of riding on The Long Way Home.
  2. Two days of riding for the trip out to Denver and back, plus one for my brother visit: 38 total riding days.  
  3. 22 States
  4. 6600 miles on The Long Way Home and 7000 miles total.
We live in a really fantastic country.  Thinking back, there was not a single state that we did not enjoy experiencing.  From the people we met to the places we rode through, it's an experience we will hold forever. 

Thank you, everyone who followed us through the blog.  Thank you to my work family for covering for me for over a month and especially thank you to my wonderful supporting wife and family. 

~Bill and Hank


  1. I have loved following this trip with you, albeit with heart in throat most of the time. The good thing was, that once I read your blog, you had already made it that far with enough strength to write it down!
    I love you guys and so insanely proud of your insanity and determination, along with all your crazy skills!!!
    Can 't wait to see you --
    Hugs and hugs,

  2. Congratulations to you both! What an amazing journey of a lifetime. Thanks for sharing in such beautiful detail so that we all could join you. I'm sure your stories will continue as memories are recalled at random moments. Glad you're home safe. What's next?!?
